I was hired by the co-founders of Project Love to design their debut collection hang-tags. ABOUT PROJECT LOVE Developed to help create better futures for women, Project Love is a sleepwear line designed to bring beauty to life and connect communities of women around the globe. Created by Elizabeth Mathes and Amy Crouse, the line, which is designed by Michael Faircloth of Dallas, TX, consists of beautifully crafted, feminine pieces. Recognizing that women share the desire to know they are beautiful, loved and have value, the line unites them under the idea that while they may have differences, they have more similarities, and women are better when they’re connected together. The line builds bridges between communities of women by donating a percentage of profit to meet the needs of women around the world. The debut collection benefits a group of women in Haiti who have received very little schooling. By providing education, counseling and skills training, the hope is that a door to a better future will be opened for them.